Rough Water Day
I pretty much bombed with my pictures today. There was not much chop in Georgia Strait, but there was a roll that made steering the boat and taking pics a problematic task. However, we did see T49’s T65A’s T175’s T99’s Killer Whales with a new calf.
I hope you can enjoy what I did manage to capture, including a couple of the T65A6 Calf. Lots of killer whales spread out in the Strait of Georgia.
The T49’s T65A’s T175’s T99’s Killer Whales are a great bunch of cetaceans. The highlight is the young calf, but I was also able to shoot a few seabirds, including black oystercatcher and bald eagles.
Pro Photographer on Board
Today’s tour included a professional photographer who brought a client along for an on the water photography safari. I now have a serious case of “lens envy” watching a pro use his gear. Usually, I get comments like “look at that camera”. However, on another trip, the whole manifest was pro photographers. with $10,000 plus lenses and I had the cheapest camera setup on the boat. I was the one going wow nice camera.
It was a pretty impressive photography tour seeing the young calf performing with exaggerated lunges with all the energy the little ones have.
Check out some of my other photoblog pages at Whale Tales.
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