Today we saw Ken Balcomb with Center For Whale Research. He was out doing his survey work tracking the sightings and health our T124A Biggs Killer Whales.
A couple of calves were in the mix today. One appears to have a skinned nose. I usually focus on the calves for my effort because they are so quick and hard to grab in the camera frame before disappearing. This evening though I was pretty lucky and even deleted several.
We were in the ferry lanes the entire time. As a result, the Washington State Ferry’s were getting plenty of views too. It was a great day with our T124A Biggs Killer Whales.
The Center for Whale Research has been monitoring the health and status of our whales for forty plus years. As a result of Ken’s work government has continuously been apprised of their needs. Because of this, our state and the federal government have known for decades that our Southern Resident Killer Whales are starving. Why? Because there is not enough salmon, specifically Chinook Salmon. But the government is excruciatingly slow to act.
The Biggs Killer Whales are thriving by comparison. There is a good number of Harbor Seals, Stellar Sea Lions, and Harbor Porpoise to keep them fat and happy.
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