The sadness continues. This is Tahlequah Day Four Grieving since Tahlequah’s baby girl died. She has been keeping her baby propped on her head since she died 30 minutes after being born.
We have been tracking her progress around the islands and staying clear of her and her pod. Giving room to allow her to grieve with some degree of privacy.
In being respectful of her, we traveled an additional 45 minutes up into Canada. What we saw was another pod of Killer Whales known as the T99B’s. These are Biggs Killer Whales. When we arrived on scene it appeared they may have had a bite to eat. They stayed pretty stationary on a point for a while just milling.
Once they started moving again, we viewed them swimming up the channel. At one point they changed direction so we moved over out of their path. They disappeared then surfaced pretty close to us. They had changed their direction yet again. We were already shut down and just let them pass by. Once clear of us, we headed back to Friday Harbor. One of them did a long headstand and waving his tail at us before we left.
I am happy we left Tahlequah day four grieving to be done alone.
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