Today we had Humpback and Sunset Wonders. We started out searching for a pod of Orca that had been spotted off Nanaimo last night. The last known direction they were headed our way.
A few Humpback Whales were spotted out west a bit. Another spotted off of Eagle Point. My guests wanted to search for the Orca, so that is what we did.
We struck out on the first tour but during my second tour, the pod had been spotted out west of Victoria. I think in the excitement of Humpbacks nearby we let the Orca pod slip through undetected until it was late for us to see them.
We did see Humpback Whale though. The seabirds we saw included Bald Eagles, Rhinoceros Auklet, Pacific Common Murre. Pinnipeds of Harbor Seals, and Stellar Sea Lions.
For other Cetaceans, we saw harbor Porpoise.
We had some great views of Mt. Baker from Turn Pt. Light House and Patos Light House.
Look at yesterdays post to see the similarities and differences between the Gray Whale and Humpback Whale blow holes and body shape.
Of the Harbor Seals, a pup was nursing from mama. I got a shot of our only “Flying Orca” as we left Friday Harbor.
All in all a beautiful and gorgeous day on the water with Humpback and Sunset Wonders.
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