Yogi the Humpback and Egg Yolk Jelly. Today was a beautiful day with lots of sunshine, no fog, and a Humpback Whale. He was moving up Haro Strait, then Swanson Channel and on our last tour in the Strait of Georgia.
This whale is named Yogi. If you look at his right fluke with some imagination you will see a profile of Yogi Bear.
We saw pinnipeds of Harbor Seals and Stellar Sea Lions.
Seabirds of Bald Eagles, Great Blue Heron, Pigeon Guillemot.
Our celebrity seal Popeye here in Friday Harbor came by to see us.
We saw several Egg Yolk Jelly Fish which are pretty cool.
All in all a great time with Yogi the Humpback and Egg Yolk Jelly fish.
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