An interesting day. We started north to catch up with a pod of orca going away from us at 6 knots and 32 miles out. Word came of two pods inbound approaching Race Rocks at 3 knots. T65A’s-T30’s and 7 Humpbacks
I did some quick time calculating and decided to switch tracks and head for the Race Rocks whales. As it turns out that was a very good decision.
Not only did we get to see the T65A’s with the five-month-old calf and the T30’s but other critters were close by. About a mile out, two Humpbacks surfaced close so we shut down and viewed them for a couple surface intervals. That’s when I noticed another two Humpbacks close by.
Then we were making our way over to the T65A’s minus the 65A3 and 65A4. They have been seen a lot the last couple days.
T65A6 was waving his tail for us, jumping out of the water and having fun. On the way back we saw Stellar Sea Lions, and another pair of Humpbacks. They were in San Juan Channel. We also saw another Humpback just outside of Friday Harbor.
What a day with T65A’s-T30’s and 7 Humpbacks
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