Today we started out with seeing a Red-Necked Phalarope. He/she is a tiny little bird that does a spinning motion to create a whirlpool. He then steps out of that whirlpool to peck at the bugs caught up in it. Pretty cool little bird and my favorite or maybe a tie with the Tufted Puffin. There were also Harbor Seals, Harbor Porpoise, and Stellar Sea Lions to be seen.
We saw members of all three resident pods today. So many I am not going to try and ID each of them in my pics. We did see K25 Scooter though, I recognized him by the massive scar on his right side of his dorsal fin by NOAA shooting him with a crossbow and attaching a GPS tag into him with two 4″ bolts and two broad-heads.
NOAA, our lovely federal agency looking out for the welfare of our whales and in doing so killed L95 Nigel. I am a bit outspoken and embittered about NOAA this evening as I write this. See my personal FaceBook page to understand more and why. They have partnered with Sea World bringing them back into Washington. Sea World captured roughly 80 of our Resident Killer Whales keeping the young ones. They let the others go but also cutting open the bodies of the dead ones that drowned in their nets. They filled their body cavities with rocks to sink the whales and hide their dirty deeds.
Our federal government has partnered with the enemy in nothing more than a PR stunt for Sea World.
Today, I also captured pics of NOAA tagging and nearly running over one of our resident killer whales. Again, see my personal Facebook page for details.
Otherwise please enjoy the great pics and the wonderful experience we had on the water today.