K’s and L’s and a Lost Biggs Pod. We started out looking for a pod of Biggs Killer Whales that were spotted near the north end of San Juan Channel. There were a half dozen of us searching but no joy.
A group of Stellar Sea Lions entertained us playing in the water before we headed into Haro Strait to see some Southern Resident Killer Whales and we ended up with K’s and L’s but no members of J Pod.
A radio report said there was a group of Dahls Porpoise that cruised by but we did not catch up in time to see them. We also saw a Bald Eagle in route.
I talked a bit about how NOAA is failing as the leading government agency in recovering our SRKW’s from fading away into extinction. Specifically failing by bringing in Sea World as a partner. The one organization that is most despised in this state far above any others, then the number two spot goes to NOAA.
Not a bad day with K’s and L’s and a Lost Biggs Pod.