T49A’s Killing and Milling and Mugging today. Both tours today viewing a pod of Bigg’s Killer Whales. We saw a couple seal kills take place. My lead pic is of a whale lunging out of the water with a seal in its mouth. Biggs Orca are the meat eaters of the sea.
Lots of breaching and playing around today. We saw some Harbor Seals and Harlequin Ducks. The male Harlequin are the colorful ones. The females are on the left and mostly brown making them more difficult to see.
We watched as one boat experienced a mugging, in a big way today. There was a lady on board who had just been proposed to by her boyfriend. It was as if the whales were all coming over to congratulate her. A pretty cool moment she will never forget. Gotta say though her fiance set the bar pretty high so he has his work cut out for him in the future.
One of them swam under us but didn’t surface or “mug” us. Look into the water. T49A’s Killing and Milling and Mugging. What a day.