What a beautiful day to be on the water with Biggs Orca San-Juan-Channel. We had members of several Biggs Killer Whale pods traveling together in San Juan Channel today.
These Orca were the T123’s, T65’B’s. T49A’s, T75B’s, and a brand new calf this season I think is T65B2. The Transient Killer Whales aka Biggs are what we see most often since our salmon numbers continue to decline to leave our Southern Resident Killer Whales searching for food and starving.
We saw a few Harbor Seals, aka Orca Sausage. About a dozen Stellar Sea Lions. A whole bunch of Bald Eagles feasting on a couple of carcasses keeping the Vultures at bay while they ate.
The highlight was the Biggs Orca San-Juan-Channel. The other animals were cool to see too, but seeing the young calf and other Biggs Orca San-Juan-Channel was our highlight of the day.
Towards the end, they grouped up and started getting sleepy. I saw a couple of hours later a post saying they were beginning to wake up. To see other Whale Tales blog posts click here.
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