Gray Whale
Today’s tour was calm waters yet again in the Strait of Juan de Fuca. We did a Gray Whale Evening Tour for my guests that wanted to see some of our beautiful Salish Sea. They had hoped to see Orca as well but today that did not happen.
On the way there we were anticipating that three Gray Whales would be present. On arrival, I learned that one had wandered off from the two. However, I could not find the two. So I started heading north from the area and found one. I believe that it was the one who had wandered off.
Gray whales do not show as much of their body as the Humpbacks or Orca. They have a lot of barnacles and patches on their skin.
As we started for home, I snapped a couple of quick shots of Tufted Puffin flying by. Not the best pics but nice to see them back again.
A quick stop to see some Stellar Sea Lions and then kept moving. A short stop to see a pair of Bald Eagles for our last wildlife. Mount Baker on the way out and a shot of the sunset on the mountain on the way back in. That concluded our Gray Whale evening tour in a peaceful ride in.
Check out some of my other photo blog posts at Whale Tales.
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