Today was a very unusual day on the water. It was a day with Gray Whales and Puffins but something else too.
We responded to a vessel in distress that had struck a rock and was taking on water. If you spend enough time on the water, you eventually end up needing help or in a position to provide assistance. That is just the way it is.
Today was that day. We saw pinnipeds consisting of Harbor Seals and Stellar Sea Lions. Seabirds consisting of Harlequin Ducks and Bald Eagles.
Then we made our way to three Gray Whales. A few surfacings observing them when a vessel in distress call came in over the radio. We were close, so we took off to assist as able. On arrival, the vessel had made a soft landing on the beach of an island to keep the boat and passengers safe from harm. A bit later the US Coast Guard and two Washington Fish and Wildlife vessels also showed up.
For some of you who took the Crime Observation Reporting Training with me this last winter, you would have recognized Officer Taylor Kimball who came up to teach that class. Sgt. Russ Mullins was also on scene. The Coast Guard asked us to hang around for a while until a plan could be made to transfer passengers. We hung around for a while but with two WDFW vessels and others arriving we moved on. I asked Russ to holler if they wanted us to come back and we would. Considering we saw Gray Whales and Puffins, that made for a great day.
We just moved up the island a bit to see Tufted Puffins Rhinoceros Auklet. Then it was time to head back to port so my guests could catch their ferry.
A few pictures of the Coast Guard vessels, WDFW vessels, US Navy helicopter, and USCG helicopter.
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