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Heather in the Strait of Georgia

On the first tour of the day, we heard there were Orca way up north of Vancouver, BC. Too far for us to go so, we set out to search. In The Strait of Georgia, we met up with a Humpback Whale that we know as “Heather.” Our day consisted of a breaching humpback & ugly chicks of Glaucous-winged Gull.

Ugly Glaucous-winged Gull chicks

We saw Harbor Seals, Bald Eagles, Rhinoceros Auklets and some Glaucous-winged Gull chicks with mom. Glaucous-winged Gulls have chicks that are so ugly they are cute. The chicks are little fuzz balls with huge snowshoe like feet. Mama gull was not happy we were in the area and at one point flew over to us squawking that we must leave.

On the afternoon tour, we did get word that some Killer Whales are in the Strait of Juan de Fuca. However, the weather down that way was 3′ wind waves on top of a 2′ roll. Large boats were refusing to go into the Strait. I had also decided to stay away from Juan de Fuca and the rough weather.

Heather Joined by Stitch

We went north again, and we were viewing Heather yet again, but this time “Stitch” had joined up with her. Heather left a couple of poop bombs on the surface. If you have ever wondered what whale poop looks like, there are three pics here of the raspberry-colored feces. 

I captured several beautiful fluke shots, but my back and arm were getting tired and spasming, so I set the camera down. Wouldn’t you know it, that as soon as I set my camera down Heather decided to breach? One of my guests captured it beautifully. I was ready for the second and third breaches, which is typical, but she did not do it this time.

I was able to snap a couple of shots of Patos Island Lighthouse with Mt. Baker in the background.

It was a decent day on the water viewing the humpback whales and weather was nice where we were. Seeing the breaching humpback & ugly chicks was not a bad way to spend time on the water.

Check out some of my other photoblog pages at Whale Tales.

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