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7 Hour Photography Tour

I had a professional photographer from France onboard today for a 7-hour private charter, and we shot tons of pics throughout the day. Our day started with a baitball and diving birds, Bald Eagles, Red-necked Phalarope and ended with a pair of breaching Humpbacks up north and a red moon on the way home.

Red-Necked Phalarope

The Red-necked Phalarope were everywhere today and lots of them. This is a tiny bird that will spin in circles, creating a whirlpool. He will then sidestep out of the whirlpool and begin pecking at the critters caught in the whirlpool and feed on them.

Gray Whale and Super Hornet Growlers

After leaving Cattle Pass we headed for Whidbey Island to locate a Gray Whale. It was only a few minutes searching and we located the Gray feeding. This is a beautiful creature who feeds on Ghost Shrimp on the mud flats. He will fan the mud dispelling the Ghost Shrimp then devour them. He does this by swallowing a lot of water with the shrimp and then force then water out while retaining the shrimp caught in his baleen filter. My guest is primarily an Arial Photographer and when he saw we were near a naval airbase we took time out to photograph some of the jets taking off. The weather started taking a turn for the worse in Juan de Fuca Strait and as a result we did not stop to see Tufted Puffin as was the plan.

On the way to our next stop the Southern Resident Killer Whales were reported inbound. However, they were in Canadian waters and the way the law is now, we are not nor is any other vessel permitted to observe them. In USA waters we can view from 300 yards any beyond. 

Breaching Humpback

We headed for a pair of Humpback Whales in Swanson Channel. Shortly after we arrived they began breaching. We observed them until they made it to Active Pass where they struggled against the current on the ebb tide. They were going nowhere, so we popped over to the other side of the pass. Here we saw a Humpback mom and calf.

When it was time to head home to beat the darkness we saw a red moom rising over the hills. A very nice day on the water with tons of marine life including the pair of breaching Humpback.


Check out some of my other photoblog pages at Whale Tales.

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red-necked phalaropered-necked phalaropered-necked phalaropeGray WhaleGray Whale Blow Holes Pair of breaching HumpbacksPair of breaching HumpbacksPair of breaching HumpbacksPair of breaching HumpbacksPair of breaching HumpbacksPair of breaching Humpbacks Pair of breaching HumpbacksPair of breaching Humpbackspair of breaching humpbackPair of breaching Humpbackspair of breaching humpback pair of breaching humpbackpair of breaching humpback pair of breaching humpback Humpback mom and calfpair of breaching humpbackpair of breaching humpback pair of breaching humpbackmama humpback baby humpback tailbaby humpback tailpair of breaching humpback[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/6″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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