Today we were with the pods that eluded us yesterday. It turns out it was the T137s and T99s but not the T46s like we thought yesterday.
On the way we stopped off to see Steller Sea Lions, some exotics on Spieden Island including Mouflon Sheep, and Fallow Deer. Then we made our way to Moresby Island in Canada searching for Orca. After Moresby I took us north into Swanson Channel and got word the pods were spotted in Boundary Pass.
As we came on scene they were doing long dives but then took off like a bullet right down the border. Myself and one other boat were with them at this point. We were on the USA side of the border and the whales were on the Canadian side. This went on for a good ways and then they changed course heading further into Canadian waters.
There was a Steller Sea Lion thrashing a fish and the Orca seemed to make a beeline for it. I did not see any evidence of a kill though. A bit later three of them did make a kill of a Harbor Seal. In one shot you can see a gull diving for a bit of leftbehind meat or blubber.
On the way back to the Harbor I grabbed a few shots of some of our seabirds. There is a Killdeer, a pair of Black Oystercatchers and a gull on a rock with the oystercatchers trying to swallow a starfish that I did not notice until on my computer editing pics.
The weather cooperated and it was a very beautiful day.
Check out some of my other photoblog pages at Whale Tales.
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