We spent time with the T18’s Exiting Active Pass. We started out of the harbor with a goal of locating J Pod. They had been seen earlier in the morning and by the time we arrived that report was three hours old. I stopped by and asked one of the fishermen if they knew which way the pod had went. They hadn’t seen them so I discounted west. I continued east to the last known position.
Once there I proceeded north toward Pt. Roberts, then made my way over to Boundary Pass. That route mainly because there were heavy seas heading straight towards my goal which was Rosario Strait. Once I rounded Potos Island however, I learned that the T-18s had just exited Active Pass. I was thirty minutes from that location and we were almost four hours from the J Pod sighting so I boogied up to Active Pass.
On arrival to the approximate location we stopped for a few minutes to listen and then moved on a bit further and found the pod of two female and two male Orca. The lighting was a bit challenging today for pics but we had some nice views.
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