Humpback Known as Vanta
A Humpback known as Vanta, and an Alopecia Harbor Seal. We saw some beautiful Salish Sea Birds today including Black Oystercatchers, Cormorants, Bald Eagles, Rhinoceros Auklets, Pigeon Guilemott, and more....
A Humpback known as Vanta, and an Alopecia Harbor Seal. We saw some beautiful Salish Sea Birds today including Black Oystercatchers, Cormorants, Bald Eagles, Rhinoceros Auklets, Pigeon Guilemott, and more....
A Puffin kinda day with many Tufted Puffin and several Minke Whales. I counted 27 Tufted Puffin today and several minke whales. I have a birding tour coming up this...
A day with Humpback Named Vanta and Tufted Puffin. This morning I started south and ran into a fog bank at Cattle Pass and stayed with me till I was...
Today it was nice to have T137s & T65As Inner Islands viewing. Especially since there were gales south of us with 5′ to 6′ seas. They were very playful in...
Wow! What a day with a Breaching Humpback and Squid Catching Puffin. We started out knowing there were Orca spotted but they were on the Canadian side of the border....
This morning the Southern Resident Killer Whales made their way towards the Pacific and we viewed Minke Whales Lunge Feeding. Minke whales are the smallest of what is known as the...
We were in a Glassy Strait of Georgia then K’s & L’s at Salmon Bank in the afternoon. My pics start off with a Black Oystercatcher seeming to be teaching...
This day presented Scoop. Then Ks & Ls. It started off searching for a Humpback Whale in Haro Strait. When located we made our way to it and spend most...
Today we saw sea birds – T65As & T46s and much more. It started off great with news of a pod of Orca near Discovery Island on the Canadian side...
Today we started south for Saratoga Passage with the T46’s Northbound and just enough time to reach them, view them, and get back to Friday Harbor for guests to resume...
An unusual day today with not many sightings. It may be a reflection of the 5′ seas in the Strait of Juan de Fuca. I opted to go north into...
A beautiful but very hot day on the water with many cetaceans including Orca – Humpback – Minke – Harbor Porpoise. We saw so much wildlife today that a book...
Three tours today and we saw the Bigg’s T37As all day long. I have some great shots of T37A4 aka Crinkly Fin. He suffered an injury to his dorsal fin...
Ever wonder what a Bigg’s Orca seal hunt looks like? Some of my guests have experienced it but many have not. Today we saw a few seals get eaten, and...
Today we spent time with J26 Mike and Mom J16 Slick on both tours. We were with J Pod today and saw J39 Mako, J44 Moby, and others. A small...
Today was T65A’s and Tufted Puffins, plus Bald Eagles, Black Oystercatcatchers, and Harlequin Duck Juvenile. I headed north knowing we had some heavy seas to the south in the Strait...
One tour today and we started off with Harbor Seals and Bald Eagles and then J Pod in Haro Strait. Eagles and seals are not usually on the same rock...
We saw Humpbacks Minke & Orca today starting out with a pair of Humpback Whales that swam past the harbor heading south. J Pod was nearby for both tours. A...
This morning we spent some time trying to see Minke Whales and a Humpback Whale, both were not being particularly cooperative but we did see them, more than what my...
Today we viewed J Pod and USCG in Haro Strait. Then part of J pod in the Strait of Juan de Fuca on the second tour. We spent some time...
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