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Best Biggs Day Ever

Our entire time with killer whales was within a 1/4 mile from start to finish. They had killed a Stellar Sea Lion before we arrived. They were tossing it every which way. We also had playful orca drag crab-pot and buoys along as a play toy.

I usually would not include a bunch of pics of a crab pot buoy. However, I wanted to show the buoy being drug underwater in their playfulness. My very last pic is not in focus at all but I wanted to share a stellar sea lion flying through the air.

Crazy Beautiful Vocals

Their vocals today were AMAZING. I am tired tonight but will try to get a vocal file attached to a slide show of some of these pics to share. Several times we even heard their vocals above the water while they were on the surface.

All this party time behavior reinforces my belief they like to do a happy dance after they have meat in their bellies.

Eagles Feasting on Lamb Chops

I need to back up to the first two pics though. A mouflon lamb was dead and being devoured by a juvenile bald eagle. Another Juvenile was waiting for his turn to eat. A mature eagle was above them and had already feasted as evidenced by the red blood stained head feathers.

The seagulls were going nuts too. They would scramble for scraps anytime the orca left some meat or blubber behind. The sea lion flew through the air about six or seven times that I saw. I just couldn’t get focused in time to catch any of the tosses.

Between the amazing vocals even above water, the stellar sea lion flying lessons and the playful orca drag crab-pot and buoy around.  The day was one of the most amazing days I can recall with them.

As we were idling our way out I noticed T124C. He is a lone male and we stopped to see him on our way out. He was just milling around. I later discovered looking at my pics that he was dragging around and playing with some bull kelp he had discovered.


Check out some of my other photoblog pages at Whale Tales.

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