Tufted puffins were first on our list today, the horned puffin also showed up. Then, we spent time with a humpback known as Divot and her brand-new calf. Today, another captain got a belly shot and confirmed that the calf was female. Then, I went on to see minke whales that were not photogenic; there were no photos. Sorry. From there, we went to Whale Rocks to see the stellar sea lions, but on the way, Laurel spotted another humpback whale known as “Stitch.” Stitch is the humpback that mugged us a couple of years ago on Laurel’s first day on the water with me. On the way home, we stopped by another rock and saw Ottis, the sea otter. It was a great day.
“The Sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever.”
Jacques Cousteau