What a beautiful day. The water was a bit choppy but we had blue sky. No more forest fire smoke which was nice. Lots of whales today. We had Biggs Pods T37A’s-T36B-T99’s-T36A’s today.
The tour started out for the T99’s and T36A’s. On the way, I learned of a group of T’s were spotted off Sucia Island. I headed that way to help find them.
I am very proud of our Pacific Whale Watch Association. All members are true advocates for the whales. PWWA boats work together in many ways. Warning fast boats approaching that whales are present. Alerting WDFW of violations.
Our group watched the T37A’s and T36B for a while. The water started getting sloppy so we took off to see some Stellar Sea Lions. Then we were off to see the other group of Orca, the T99’s and the T36A’s.
It was such a great day. We saw a couple kills happening. What was killed could not be determined if they were Harbor Porpoise or Harbor Seals. All total the Biggs Pods T37A’s-T36B-T99’s-T36A’s made for a great day.