Today I had the privilege of having some amazing students with me on tour. We had Emerald City School with ‘Zephyr’ the humpback whale.
The kids were able to see a Zephyr as she was milling in circles. My boat didn’t have to move much at all to see her. While there I did not recognize her. Later I learned from a colleague this whales name is Zephyr, she is a female and was born in 2011 making her 7 years old.
In a few of the pics, you can see bumps on the whales head forward of the two blowholes. Those bumps are hair follicles.
There were many Stellar Sea Lions, Harbor Seals, Bald Eagles, Mergus Merganser Ducks and a bunch of other birds.
I love to be able to share with young minds who are inquisitive and want to learn more about our Salish Sea. I welcome more like this tour of Emerald City School with ‘Zephyr’.
Heading over into Canada and scanning for Orca but did not spot any. The weather was a bit chilly as everyone was starting to feel the cold by the end of the trip but the weather stayed dry with calm seas for us which was nice.